Copy all the MAIN COMMANDS SECTION and paste into a command line terminal. Directory boilerplate.example will be created.
Then cd .. out of that directory
and copy it to something to start modifying code to your liking. Such as
cp -r boilerplate.example sandbox.x and morph and mangle code in sandbox.x.
mkdir boilerplate.example; mkdir boilerplate.example/files; cd boilerplate.example ;
curl --url /index.html > example.html ;
curl --url /files/index.txt > files/index.txt ;
curl --url /files/onload.ready.js > files/onload.ready.js ;
curl --url /files/functions.js > files/functions.js ;
curl --url /files/global.vars.js > files/global.vars.js ;
curl --url /files/utils.js > files/utils.js ;
curl --url /files/main.css > files/main.css ;
curl --url /files/w3-colors-flat.css > files/w3-colors-flat.css ;
open example.html;